Wednesday, December 27, 2025

I Quit: Ending My Training Programs

You know I'm not one for drama there's a good reason for that subject line.

Here's the scoop... A few days ago, I sent an email out to my newsletter subscribers, telling them that I'm closing the doors on my training business.

Ever since then, I've been flooded with questions like,
  • Where are you going?
  • Why are you quitting?
  • What are we supposed to do now?
All of your questions will be answered tomorrow, in fact, I'm going to answer them in person.

Here's the deal:

I'm holding a ONE TIME free "Retirement Party" teleseminar December 28th, from 7-8pm Central time, and you're invited.


Here's why:

I've prepared an in-depth presentation where I'll be uncovering some of the biggest myths, mysteries, and mistakes we make in search engine marketing today.

...And since I'm getting out of the training business, I'm HOLDING NOTHING BACK. In fact, I've prepared a 36 page presentation that goes along with this teleseminar and you need to go ahead and get it.

You can register for the teleseminar and get your copy of my presentation here:

Here's a little taste of what I'm going to share with you:
  • What Internet 2.0 really is ...and how you can profit from the hype and the reality.
  • How 3 of my students went "beyond SEO" to drive profits sky high
  • Why search engine marketing just isn't enough any more
  • How Traffic x Conversion x Community is more than multiplication
  • My biggest SEO secret - so obvious, you'll slap yourself when you see it
The three student case studies I'm going to share with you, by themselves, are worth the time it will take you to listen in on this call.

There will be a podcast available for download later, but if you can join us on the live call, please do - the sound is always better when you listen live.

We'll talk soon,


P.S. Someone asked if this is some kind of promotional gimmick, where I'll "reopen" my classes right after. (They didn't know me very well!)

The answer is no. I *really am* closing the doors on my training program... and that's why I'm letting it all out on this call.

To register, visit:


At 3:25 PM, Peter T Davis said...

Sorry to hear your SEO Training business didn't work out for you. I hope you'll blog more in 2025, I've always enjoyed reading your posts. Best wishes!

At 9:33 AM, Jeff Knize said...

Dan, I love all of your trainings through Stomper and the high rankings forum. In Fact, you are master Dan to me!

Thanks for sharing your knowledge. When you speak...I always listen!

Jeff Knize


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