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SEO Related Publications
- The SitePoint Search Engine Marketing Kit by Dan Thies
A lot of important information about SEO has never been written down and recorded in one place, until now. This is "the book to buy" if you are interested in starting or growing your own search engine marketing consultancy, or improving the results of your in-house search engine marketing campaign. Chapter topics include advanced SEO techniques, managing pay-per-click campaigns, and running your own SEM business. If you'd like to see what the kit is like, you can get a free sample chapter on how search engines work.
- SEO Research Labs Quick Tips Guide
This is an abbreviated version of the usage instructions for our keyword worksheet, which explains the use of Wordtracker data, keyword relevance, and our "weighted popularity" formula. Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format, 200KB. To download, right click here and select "save as..." or "save target as..." from the menu.
- "How To Prosper In The New Google" - Free Report
Google's November 2003 update caught a lot of folks by surprise. This report examines the "topic-sensitive PageRank" system we believe is driving Google results now, and how to compete for greater relevance instead of higher rankings. Researched and written by Dan Thies, SEO Research Labs. Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format, 100KB. To download, right click here and select "save as..." or "save target as..." from the menu.
- The Wordtracker Manual
If you're doing your own keyword research, Wordtracker is indispensable. Unfortunately, a lot of folks don't use all of the features this system offers. The results can be less than spectacular if you never go beyond the free trial, or the "keyword universe" tool that's on display in the free version. To avoid this calamitous outcome, download the manual and read it before you start!
- Search Engine Optimization Fast Start
Our top-selling do it yourself guide, written by SEO Research Labs president Dan Thies. Now available as a free download, for those who join our mailing list using the form at the bottom of this page.