Thursday, December 15, 2025

Sad News

Myla Kay Marks, my long time friend and business partner who was our lead consultant for keyword research, passed away on Sunday morning after a long illness. Memorial services will be held this Saturday, December 17, 1pm at the Church of the Epiphany in Houston, TX.

I'm sorry to bring anyone down, but a lot of folks around here have worked with Myla and gotten to know her. I've decided to just post this in a few places because there's no way for me to find all of her SEO friends and tell them personally.

Thanks for all the years of friendship, Myla. We'll all miss you.


At 10:09 AM, Adam said...

I am very sorry to hear this news. I would like to say Myla was most impressive with her excellent work she performed on my Keyword Research Report when I was a student of Dan.

My heart goes out to her family and friends.

Adam S.

At 5:03 PM, Tawnya said...

Wow, what a shock since I didn't even know Myla was ill. She was referred to my company by Dan and had done some keyword research for us. Her professionalism was top notch. She was really good at what she did. We were so lucky to find her and now she will be highly missed by us all. Wishing her family and friends our condolences during this sad period in life.

Tawnya Sutherland


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