Services | Keyword Research | Outsourcing | Our Reports | Our Process | SEO Training | SEO Consulting
Our Services: Keyword Research Is Just The Beginningelpt
Unlike many companies in the search engine marketing business, we are dedicated to helping those within the industry deliver better results for their clients, employers, and their own business. This unique approach includes a broad array of SEO and SEM related services.
Keyword Research
Don't guess at the best keywords to target in your search engine marketing! Our dedicated consultants will conduct a comprehensive search to identify hundreds of candidate search terms for your site. Our detailed reports include keyword popularity, multiple measurements of competition, as well as the likely value of a top 10 ranking.
Whether you need keyword help with your own site, or help for your clients, SEO Research Labs has a solution. Our keyword research services are tailored for the different needs of website managers/owners, search engine consultants, and site designers.
SEO Training & Do-It-Yourself Book
For webmasters, site owners, and designers, search engine optimization represents a great opportunity to add targeted traffic and revenue. Unfortunately, the web is full of bad advice, and it's hard to find good information.
If you just want to get started, our top-selling do it yourself guide, Search Engine Optimization Fast Start, is now available as a free digital file download - just use the form at the bottom of this page to grab a copy for yourself. This book has sold thousands of copies at $29.95, and is now available free of charge.
For folks who would like a more formal training program with personal instruction, we offer a variety of SEO training classes, from our advanced SEO class to a personal SEO coaching program for web professionals. If you're not sure whether you will need formal training, we recommend reading our book first.
SEO Consulting & Coaching For Site Designers & SEM Professionals
All site designers want to offer great results for their clients, but not all designers have the know-how (or the time) to develop an effective search engine strategy. You know your clients' business, why not offer solutions for their search engine optimization needs? Unlike some SEO firms, we don't compete with you.
For search engine marketing professionals, our outsourcing services will make you more productive, and our training programs will help you grow your business. Whether your goal is better rankings and results for your clients, or help with closing more sales, we have something for you.
In addition to our very popular keyword research service, we offer a personal SEO coaching program, professional development classes for SEO/SEM consultants, and behind the scenes SEO consulting services that keep you in control of client relationships as you build your own business.