Wednesday, May 02, 2025

This Will Change The Way You Look At Your Site...

The SEO Coach's Newsletter
Must See Video From Former MSN Search Employee

I hadn't planned to send another newsletter until Thursday night, but this is just too good to pass up.

Andy Edmonds used to work at MSN Search (yeah, that one). Now he's a member of the StomperNet faculty, and he's recorded the most amazing video I have ever seen. Andy's one of those extremely useful academic types who actually understands business.

Anyway, he's developed this incredible software that does this eyeball tracking thing with websites... ah, heck. I can't explain it, words don't do it justice. Just go watch the video. You will never look at your web site the same way again.

This is ground breaking stuff, folks, and Andy's showing it in public for the very first time right now. (Oh yeah, there's some other stuff in the video, like a few "Adwords Ninja Secrets" from yours truly).

Get a pen and some paper and get ready to take notes - a lot of them.

(Click Here To Watch)

Still reading instead of watching? Why!?

This is a 33 Minute PURE CONTENT video that introduces a totally geeked-out "Cognitive Psychology-Based" web site design method that will dramatically increase the magnitude of your customer interactivity.

(Yeah, that's a lot of big words all strung together - here's what it means:)

The first part of the video is from Andy Edmonds, StomperNet's Chief Experience Officer and a member of the teaching faculty. Among other things, he teaches a technique of web design based on "Foveal and Peripheral Vision" data.

In this video, they actually measure how the human eye and brain interact with your web site design elements. This is pure science backed up by tons of analytical data.

***This stuff isn't being taught - ANYWHERE, not in any eBook, or any other video.

And then they publish the test results.

If you just change ONE element of your web site based on these results, you could see a 12% increase in conversion. Here's a hint: It's your NAV.

(Click Here To Watch)

--- Then, there are the other 4 parts to this video, each from one of StomperNet's faculty.

--> Leslie Rohde unleashes his white hat technique for structuring Page Rank Distribution by creating separate site navigation for Humans and Spiders. It's called "Follow Your Tail". You would not believe how many huge web sites are already doing this, but Leslie shows you how to find out.

-->Dan Thies (that's me) demonstrates Ninja Ad Words Split Testing techniques that allow you to test huge amounts of creative WITHOUT disturbing your already successful campaigns. If you're running Adwords and you don't know these techniques, it's costing you money... simple as that.

-->Don Crowther introduces the 3 Critical Metrics that you need to analyze to find out EXACTLY where your prospects leave your site and exactly WHAT position your advertising should be in.

-->Jerry West shows how to identify Rank-Destroying Duplicate Content on your site (99% of sites have it) AND exactly what files to drop onto your site to re-capture ALL of your wasted Page Rank, Link Reputation and Link Popularity.

(Click Here To Watch)

That's just Part 1... Part 2 gets released May 2 - 3 more videos from Sherman Hu, Ed Dale, and Dave Taylor plus another member case study that may shock you...

-->A Multi-Million Dollar business case study from a StomperNet member who currently ships more USPS packages to her customers than any other business in Orlando.

She does so much business that the Postal Service is creating a custom box to ship her material in. She'll let you peek inside and tell you the dead-simple strategies she learned in StomperNet to make it happen.

Here's a direct link you can copy and paste:

Contact Information
Publisher: Dan Thies
Phone: 214-550-1359


At 9:49 AM, Blogger Alexandre said...

Hi Dan,

The video isn't available anymore and after all you've said about it, I feel like a junkie in need of a fix (yes, you're a good salesman).
Could you tell us a way to find this video ?



At 10:05 AM, Blogger Dan Thies said...


All the videos are linked from now, thanks!

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Alexandre said...

It's me again...
Here is the link:


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